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dc.contributor.authorЛещенко, А.М.-
dc.contributor.authorLeshchenko, A.-
dc.identifier.citationЛещенко А. М Феномен христианского религиозного символа // East European Scientific Jornal. - 2 (6). – Poland , 2016. – p. 90-93.uk_UA
dc.descriptionIndex Copernicusuk_UA
dc.description.abstractВ статье проанализировано феномен христианского религиозного символа, и определены механизмы его влияния на человека благодаря произведениям сакрального искусства. Выяснено его функциональные особенности с точки зрения козволюционного соразвития системы «христианская религия - человек». Доказано, что определенные психологические механизмы срабатывают на основе эмоциональной привлекательности идей христианства, которые символически отражаются в произведениях сакрального искусства. Activation of these mechanisms in sacred art works promotes the effect of emotional «sympathy» with а believer to the meaning of the sacred religious image creating as the consequence а co-evolutionary effect as this process corresponds to the principles of the perception balance of religious induction, system religious extrapolation etc. 1he essence of the religious symbol is perceived as sacred that functionally encourages а person to form and consolidate images of transcendent іn his mind that actually are equal to images of the reality of virtual value and provide psychological grounds for creation of the hyper image of the World 1heurgic Field. It is proved that а Christian religious symbol is а sacred sign of material or imaginative origin, is the unity of substance, information and energy which contains іn concentrated, encrypted and structured way energy-rich information appealing to а person with its life sense of the irrational and trans virtual idea of God-manhood. Іn the process of its perception, the information of the cult direction should bе deciphered and re-encrypted and due to motivation and actuality of its energy potential facilitate psychological adjustment of а person to Christian religion, ensure the further process of joint stabile functionality of the system «Christian religion- а person» іn the content of co-evolutionary со evolution.uk_UA
dc.subjectхристианский религиозный символuk_UA
dc.subjectсакральное искусствоuk_UA
dc.subjectсистема «христианская религия - человек»uk_UA
dc.subjectкоэволюционное соразвитиеuk_UA
dc.subjectChristian religious symboluk_UA
dc.subjectscared artuk_UA
dc.subjectthe sacreduk_UA
dc.subjectthe system «Christian religion- а person»uk_UA
dc.subjectco-evolutionary со-evolutionuk_UA
dc.titleФеном християнського релігійного символаuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeФеномен христианского религиозного символаuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe phenomenon of the Christian religious symboluk_UA
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