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Showing results 70 to 89 of 1515 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Factors contributing to the effective training of future professionals of maritime trasportЮрженко, А.Ю.; Yurzhenko, A.Y.; Попова, Г.В.; Popova, H.V.; Волошинов, С.А.; Voloshynov, S.A.; Шерман, М.І.; Sherman, M.I.
2023-04-09Features of distance teaching of foreign language for future seafarers: module “Art”Юрженко, А.Ю.; Yurzhenko, A.Y.; Кононова, О.Ю.; Kononova, O.Y.
2020Features of written business communication for marine officersАфанасиевская, И.А.; Aфанасієвська, І.О.; Afanasievskaya, I.; Усова, Я.А.; Усова, Я.О.; Usova, Ya.
2020Flipped learning approach to teaching Maritime EnglishШвецова, І.В.; Швецова, И.В.; Shvetsova, I.V.; Бондаренко, В.В.; Bondarenko, V.V.
2023Foreign language communication of specialists of Navigation and ship handling at sea: theoretical conceptШвецова, І.В.; Shvetsova, I.V.
2020-04-08Formation of digital and research competences in the training of IT professionals in a modern universityЮрженко, А.Ю.; Yurzhenko, A.Y.; Шерман, М.І.; Sherman, M.; Сікелінда, М.; Sikelinda, M.; Самчинська, Я.; Samchynska, Y.
2019-12-23Formation of future seafarers’ professional competencies with the help of mobile learningДягилева, О.С.; Diahyleva, O.S.
2019-11Formation of Maritime Education since the Independence of UkraineТокуєва, А.О.; Токуева, А.А.; Tokuieva, A.O.
2020-10Formation of Personalized Learning Path for Foreign Students Based on the MOODLE E-Learning Platform Using SCORM-PackageПуляєва, Г.В.; Пуляева, А.В.; Puliaieva, A.; Кравцова, Л.В.; Kravtsova, L.; Зайцева, Т.В.; Zaytseva, T.
2024-06-05Formation of professional communicative competence of future ship engineers by means of LMS MOODLEДягилева, О.С.; Diahyleva, O.S.; Юрженко, А.Ю.; Yurzhenko, A.Y.; Кононова, О.Ю.; Kononova, O.Y.
2019Formation of professional competences of future maritime professionals in the conditions of information and technological environmentВолошинов, С.А.; Voloshynov, S.A.
2020Formation of teachers' readiness for project activity in the context of scientific and methodological work of the Office of international cooperationDiahyleva, O.S.; Дягилева, О.С.; Leshchenko, A.; Лещенко, А.М.; Paziak, A.; Пазяк, А.С.; Yurzhenko, A.Y.; Юрженко, А.Ю.
2018Forming of future maritime officers` professionally significant qualities in the «human-human» and «human-machine» interaction systemsБабишена, М.І.; Бабышена, М.И.; Babyshena, M.
2024-04-06Gamification techniques in Maritime English online courses: Motivating learners in virtual environmentsДягилева, О.С.; Diahyleva, O.S.; Юрженко, А.Ю.; Yurzhenko, A.Y.; Кононова, О.Ю.; Kononova, O.Y.
2017Genre peculiarities of English intellectual detective (case study of D. Brown’s fictions)Піндосова, Т.С.; Пиндосова, Т.С.; Pindosova, T.S.
2019-11Higher marine education organization of the modern paradigmТокуєва, А.О.; Токуева, А.А.; Tokuieva, A.O.
2018Identification of “Human error” negative manifestation in maritime transportНосов, П.С.; Nosov, P.S.; Бень, А.П.; Ben, A.P.; Матейчук, В.М.; Mateichuk, V.N.; Сафонов, М.С.; Safonov, M.S.
2020-12-04Informational Visualization on E-Courses of Higher Maritime Educational InstitutionsBezlutska, O.P.; Безлуцька, О.П.; Leshchenko, A.M.; Лещенко, А.М.; Yurzhenko, A.Y.; Юрженко, А.Ю.; Yurzhenko, A.Y.; Пазяк, А.С.; Paziak, A.S.
2020Institutional framework for upgrading Maritime English instructors skillsКудрявцева, В.Ф.; Kudryavtseva, V.F.