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Назва: Interactive course "Maritime English" in the professional training of future mariners
Автори: Юрженко, А.Ю.
Yurzhenko, A.Y.
Попова, Г.В.
Popova, H.V.
Sherman, M.I.
Ключові слова: Learning Management System
digital educational resources
e learning
knowledge webs
Дата публікації: 2018
Видавництво: Baltija Publishing
Бібліографічний опис: Yurzhenko Alona, Sherman Mikhail, Popova Halina Interactive course “Maritime English” in the professional training of future mariners, Development trends in pedagogical and psychological sciences: the experience of countries of Eastern Europe and prospects of Ukraine: monograph / edited by authors. – 2nd ed. – Riga, Latvia : “Baltija Publishing”, 2018. – P.603-621.
Серія/номер: UDC 37(4-11)(082)+159.9(4-11)(082);
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article discusses the experience of usage of the virtual learning environment MOODLE in Maritime English studying while the training of students of marine specialties. The subject of the supplement is the formulary of the in-service compulsory competence of future mariners. Disclosing the possibilities of a foreign language interactive learning, researchers emphasize the increased need for the application of a variety of types and forms of e-education. The process of creating an electronic training course using the capabilities of the Learning Platform management system MOODLE (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is described. LMS (Learning Management System) MOODLE is popular among teachers around the world as a means of creating dynamic websites for students enrolled in a variety of programs. Nowadays LMS MOODLE can be regarded as an effective way of teaching in higher educational institutions, that’s why the authors describe the key advantages of introducing the electronic courses created in this LMS in the academic process of the high educational establishment (Kherson State Maritime Academy in Ukraine). New innovative e-learning capabilities in a specialized virtual environment in the future can significantly improve the efficiency and quality of Ukrainian maritime education. In the context of increasing the requirements of the modern labor market to the professional training of graduates of higher educational institutions on the possession of English and the inadequate usage of the possibility of distance learning systems and mobile devices, there is a need to improve the quality of professional training of marine specialists by updating the technology of professional education and the transition from outdated forms of training to progressive technologies and models. Usage of LMS MOODLE enables you to increase the efficiency of the learning process of a foreign language in the high educational establishment in a limited number of auditorium hours. This system provides wide opportunities for communication and interaction between the teacher and students for jointly solving educational tasks, allows creating conditions for the organization of active learning taking into account the personal characteristics of each participant of e-course, as well as provides an opportunity to implement the content of the training by providing students with an extensive interactive educational and methodological resource base. The article presents the results of the practical usage of MOODLE system in the process of teaching English language for students of marine specialties in KSMA. Electronic educational and methodical complexes are being developed in accordance with the requirements of the 78/105 Model Course and IMO (International Maritime Organization) Model Course 3.17 Maritime English for the implementation of Competency and Communicative Approaches. The advantages of distance education with usage of computer technologies are noted. Usage of proposed forms and methods of studying English contributes to the qualitative and effective preparation of future mariners for professional-oriented communication, to overcome interpersonal barriers of communication and to create a harmonious environment during long voyages. The authors make the conclusions that in the conditions of development of the newest technologies the most suitable environment for the formation of professional foreign language competency is the system of distance learning, integrated into the traditional system of professional training of maritime higher educational institutions. The electronic course in LMS MOODLE has an educational potential as an effective means for forming the foreign language competency of specialists in the maritime industry. Interactive exercises of the course can be used as part of the system of formation of foreign professional competence of future marine specialists. The perspective direction of development determines the search and development of foreign language teaching methods, which will allow to combine a real educational environment with a virtual educational space based on electronic educational courses.
Опис: Іноземне видання
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://rep.ksma.ks.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/71
ISBN: 978-9934-571-27-5
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